S E R V I C E   O V E R   S T A T U S


The idea is a simple one.
We believe that people are inherently good.
Individually, each of us has influence on our world. Together, we can really
deliver a difference.


1) Reflect on your strength and write a check to the current charity.
Write SOS in the memo line.*
(*this is important, as it allows the charity to track our shared strength)


OHSU Parkinson Center


2) Mail your check directly to the featured charity at the address below.
Oregon Health and Science University Foundation
1121 SW Salmon St, Suite 100
Portland, OR 97205

Alternately, you can donate directly online here.

3) Reflect again, notice that the first difference delivered is in your life.
Sharing your strength inherently validates you and makes you larger than you
were before.

The charity will send you a thank you letter and a receipt for your tax
deductible donation. You'll feel better, they'll be more able.
Share your strength when you're feeling strong.
Share your strength when you're feeling down.
You'll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life and the lives of
others when we act with the knowlege that we are more than just ourselves.


D E L I V E R   A   D I F F E R E N C E

About the site owners: We are not a charity. We are not even an organization. We are two people who want to help
others share their strength and deliver a difference. If you must know more about us, you can click here.